Our Bathroom |
Our Office |
Looking at part of living room, entry to hallway where there are 3 bedrooms and a bathroom, door open to master bedroom |
One side of the house, putting in new windows, looking towards the back yard |
Backyard, and new fence...it wasn't finished in this picture but is now. |
The back of our house where the backyard attaches to upstairs, you can see our dining room window in the background. |
One side of the living room. |
This post is for my sister Michelle who has asked to see what our home in Castlegar looks like. It is an old home, about 1960, built on a hill that really does have a gorgeous view...it was one thing that attracted me to the house. It had been a rental for a number of years so really needed a lot of updating. We couldn't do everything we would have liked to do but were able to paint all the upstairs walls, put in some new windows (casings still to be done on those), add new trim, put in a yard and fence to make it child friendly. We are so thankful to our wonderful extended family members on both sides who donated their time and skills to allow us to do these projects with out paying any labour. It has a basement with a rented out suite and a lot of potential in the other areas for when we have more money to expand! I will bring more pictures at Christmas; it would take to many pictures to show all the rooms from all sides. :)