He redeemed my soul from going down to the pit, and I will live to enjoy the light. Job 33:28

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Graby is heading into an incredibly cute stage recently where he is trying out all sorts of new words...last night he said "luf-oo" for the first time at bedtime (love you).  Also, now when I ask him to say thank you for something he has been given, he often says, "welcome" like I'm the one who has been thanking him. :)

Other things he is saying...
digga - ditchdigger
pow - snowplough
way-oo - whale
co-co - cocoa mini-wheats
geen - green
boo - blue
choos - shoes
tocks - socks
home - whenever he doesn't want to be somewhere, he pulls the "home" card

He can say so much more (all the Thomas characters) but I'll add to them as I think of them!
Love this little face!
Using his "digga" to scoop "beans" (coffee beans)
Excited about being at the park :)